Thursday, August 7, 2014

(08/07/14) Back in Reykjavik

Today was a very busy one. We slept in late somehow, through all the jackhammer-ing that was going on next door to the hotel. They are building another hotel and apparently the rock is very hard and will take them weeks to get through.

We had to find a coffee shop because we missed breakfast, and we lucked out - Kaffi Brennslan. It was great and while we drank and nibbled we made plans for the day. We were going to go to the zoo because I heard they had a reindeer there and I wanted to see an Icelandic reindeer. The zoo did not show up on the GPS, so I had to nav' by hand using the paper map in the car. Man, are we spoiled. It was really hard! I remember my mom and and dad stressing when we went on family road trips and now I am understanding why. At least those roads were in English. This map was in Icelandic.

The zoo was a bit zoo, a bit petting zoo, a bit playground, a bit pumpkin patch and a bit Dutch Wonderland. It also was not very expensive. It cost us about $7.50 per adult to get in. We also had no kids with us so we got a strange look, but whatever, it was still fun. And I got to see my reindeer -- and I got to pet it. No lie! They do indeed making a clicking noise when they walk which is caused by the tendons sliding across their bones. It was a thrill. It came right over when George called it and whistled and so we just stuck our hands out and got to feel the velvet antlers. The zoo also had an Arctic Fox. The seals were also fun to see up close but their holding tank/ pen was way too small. They had eight animals in an enclosure that I would say was meant for two and there was not nearly enough water. I got great pics, but felt sad for these guys.

After the zoo, we decided to explore the next-door Botanical Gardens. There were a lot of flowers in bloom, but there were also a ton that had already peaked. Winter is just around the corner, apparently. I love to take pictures of flowers, so there are a ton in the Flickr Photostream.

This was my favorite flower. It felt like fleece.

After the Botanical Gardens, we made our way over to the Icelandic Museum of Art. We got to see three shows, one of which featured the work of Johannes Sveinsson Kjarval, Iceland's most beloved painter. We each picked out our favorite work from the show.

George and "Mosfellsheidi Heath"

Me and "Mt. Hrafnabjorg II"

Lastly, we ended out day at the local pool. It is heated, which was really good because it was very cold outside. There was a main pool, a kid play area, a long water slide, lap lanes and about six hot tubs. There was also a cafe, a sauna and a massage room. But again, we were back to the naked showers. Sigh.

No cameras allowed so this is from one of their signs outside the pool.

Dinner was at a quiet restaurant called The Rosenberg. We have reservations for tomorrow night at The Pearl, a five-star swanky place that looks out over all of Reykjavik. Tres chique! Tomorrow is our last day in town, as we will spend all of Saturday travelling back home. We hope to make very good use of our time tomorrow since we are down to our last hours.

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