Thursday, July 19, 2012

(07/19/12) Lost in Translation: Canadian Road Signs

Driving in Canada, George and I are howling laughing at some of these road signs. We simply cannot guess what they mean (and of course, are coming up with very colorful suggestions). In the US, there are three guide sign colors, brown for historical or natural area info, blue for commercial info, and green for roads. We both remember our driver's ed teachers talking about this and having an "oh aha" moment when we finally realized there was a rhyme and reason to the colors. So far, no "aha" moments, but more than a few "haha" moments...

Here are our favorite odd Canadian sign designs with our suggested meanings for your entertainment:

Base jumping ahead, Watch out for incoming fences.

The Canadian version of rock-paper-scissors:
Trailer crushes TeePee (paper still covers rock)

 (First, why do we have Indians but Canada has Aboriginals?)
Free advertising for Internet Explorer? Didn't know it was so popular up here!

Speeding Dump Trucks on road ahead

No Imperial Army helmets worn here OR No circus allowed

Pointy mountains ahead OR  Watch for tire spikes in road

Mountain dandruff


  1. that's funny Mrs.H. my favorite out of all of them is the Canadian version of rock-paper-scissors

  2. ps i think the Canadian version of rock-paper-scissors really means camp grounds ahead

  3. Hey Morg,
    That was my favorite too! George's was the Imperial Army Helmet one. We were just making things up as we drove along in the car to pass the time, but it took on a life of its own, so I figured I would post some of our ideas.
    Thanks for posting!

    1. ya you guys are so funny have fun see you soon
