Friday, August 3, 2012

(08/03/12) A movie and our dinner

Such a quiet day today. Slept in and played with the kitties. We had to trim their talons this morning, no easy task. Rose will stand it as long as you feed her a never-ending stream of treats unfortunately, that turns this into a two-man job. I have my hands full holding the cat, squeezing the paw and trimming the claw. George tries not to lose his fingertips while getting chewed on. Maggie is not as good about thing. She snarls and growls and huffs her breath. She's only bitten me (in the face)... once. I made the commitment not to de-claw Maggie (cat #1) after a friend in college sent me a PETA newsletter detailing the process with pictures. Gulp. Soooo... that ended that. I couldn't do it because there is no medical benefit for the procedure, just human convenience. I feel strongly if you don't like the inconvenience, don't get a cat. Pretty simple. I provide them with cat-things to scratch on and just accept that my girls will claw on my things from time to time. 
George dropped me off at 1:30 at Westview Cinemas  in Frederick so I could meet up with The Carusos Emmy, Annabelle and Trisha) for a showing of Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3. I was excited to give them things we had picked out on our vacation and to see how big the girls had gotten. Annabelle was unbelievably tan and so was Emmy. Some people bronze in the summertime, but not George and NOT me. I turn lobster red and then it fades and I peel a little, or a lot, depending on the shade of red. The movie turned out better than I had expected. I liked it a lot. I had not seen the first two movies in the series, so I had no idea what I was in for. I laughed a lot (and laughed at Trisha's infectious laugh too) and watched the main character, Greg Heffley, drag himself through his life that was part bad luck and part general teenage awkwardness. As scenes in the movie unfolded, I remember similar things happening to me as a kid and as a teen and I am sure I visibly winced more than a few times in the darkened theater.

After the movie, big splatty raindrops were starting so I hopped back into my waiting car. George had killed time at Barnes & Noble over at the mall. As we drove home, the rain kept sprinkling big drops, but the storm never broke. At home tonight, we made dinner together -- roasted red pepper and tomato soup (from a carton), garden salad (leftover from dinner at George's mom's the night before) and black bean linguine with butter and Parmesan cheese. Next time, I need to use just butter because the cheese and black bean noodle did not gel together in taste. A nice early bedtime tonight because tomorrow we have big plans.

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