Sunday, September 2, 2012

(09/02/12) Life Goes On

I haven't written in a while, partly from the onset of the school year and less time, and partly because with less time, we don't get to do as much outside of day to day living.

We did manage to have dinner with Trisha and Nic before the school year got going. Trisha made us an entire gluten-free dinner -- chicken, salad, pasta and cake! We had a chance to exchange b-day gifts as well. Behold my new birthday shoes! They are Jambu shoes and more than a few people have asked me about them. I don't know where you originally found these, Trisha, but good spot! I made my mom try them on and now she's eying a pair of her own.

Sweet George drug my exhausted self over to Berkeley Springs, WV for a nice, long soak. We were approaching the bath house when I heard, "Oh hey there, Mrs. H." Are. You. Kidding. Me! Yeah, two kids and their dad from Brunswick spotted me. We chatted and then I hightailed it out of there into the bath house. I had not showered (because we were getting in the bath, so what was the point?), was not wearing makeup and I think my hair was more rat's nest than bird's nest. I really am not uptight about being seen that way if I am on the trail or similarly engaged, but to scare the children by letting them see me festooned as the Bride of Frankenstein, well, I draw the line. So, of course, after the bath, when I am red-faced, sweaty and still rocking the rat's nest hairdo, we run into a new teacher from my school. Why can't people just stay in their own state?!?!? I was thrilled when she introduced us both to all her friends. "I'm Janice, nice to meet you. Oh that? Yeah, the thing living in my hair is my pet rat. He's really friendly!" Sheesh.

Work has been going well for George, albeit busier than usual. Work for me has been up and down. The teacher work week went well as did the first week of school. I am always surprised by the "condition" of my kindergarten classes in the first few weeks. It is honestly amazing how much a kindergartener grows over the course of a school year and I try to remind myself that we start from "zero" in the fall -- zero ability to follow directions and for some kids, zero manners and zero ability to play nicely. It seems that some years I get surprised though. This time, I had to same "trying to herd cats" sensation with some classes, but this year, I just got the sense that some of the cats were... feral. They truly had no desire to get with the program. Sigh. I did have one little one that cracked me up... Here's what happened:

Scene: Teacher in classroom, assigning kids to their flavor-themed table seats. The character Susie has a very high-pitched, anxious munchkin voice.

Teacher: Which one of you is Susie Smith?
Susie: I am.
Teacher: Susie, you are going to sit at the Meatball Table in seat number 1.
Susie: (very alarmed) I CAN'T sit at the Meatball Table! Oh no. Oh No.
Teacher: Why not? (Teacher is going to make her sit there anyway.)
Susie: Because (she pauses) I am a vegetarian.
Teacher: Oh. (Wonders if the kid really knows what that means...) Is your dad a vegetarian?
Susie: Yes.
Teacher: Is your mom a vegetarian?
Susie: Yes.
Teacher: Do you have a dog?
Susie: No.
Teacher: Do you have a cat?
Susie: Yes.
Teacher: Is your cat a vegetarian?
Susie: No! Cats can't be vegetarian. They have to eat meat.
Teacher: (Sighs and thinks "This kid knows what she is talking about and I really don't want to traumatize her...") Okay, Susie, you are going to sit at the Banana Table. 
Susie: I don't like bananas.
Teacher: Oh, that's too bad. And no worries, because they're not real. (And teacher moves on.)

I decided this week that reviewing hand washing and sanitizing procedures was going to be be necessary for all grades this year because some kid gave me a terrible cold on day 3 of the school year. I am so bummed that I am already sick. How charming!

I am on the prowl for a movie and TV show widget for this blog. If anyone knows of a good one, let me know. I just want something that functions like Goodreads. Our TV watching is so limited that we thought people might be curious as to what we DO actually watch.

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