Sunday, October 28, 2012

(10/28/12) Washington Post Second Glance

The Washington Post magazine runs a weekly feature called "Second Glance" where readers get to hunt for the 12 changes made between two pictures. Usually, they involve things that are missing or dimension changes to an object. I used to do these all the time when I was a kid. I think Highlights magazine even had a feature like this...

My dad LOVES this column and keeps his fine point Sharpie marker next to his chair all week while he works on the puzzle. From time to time, I will leave him a hint on his puzzle, like I did today -- "Check out the pole above the bicycle seat. XO". Payback for all those years of playing "I Spy with My Little Eye" on roadtrips?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

(10/27/12) Pumpkin Patch

Well, with all we had to do lately, I have completely forgotten about our annual pilgrimage to a Pumpkin Patch. I was so caught up in getting this crossed of the to-do list, it didn't occur to me that this is the last Saturday before Halloween. I did remember though, at 6:00 PM when all patches were shut down for the day. 

George suggested I go by myself and I looked at him like he had two heads. This is a together activity that we have always done. I can't just go by myself! So, clever me started brainstorming how to fix this debacle and it occurred to me that stores actually do sell pumpkins. So, off we went to Home Depot on Route 40 to see what was left. We were able to find some pumpkins to chose from. As always, George picked a little one and I picked a big one. Sutty came along. SO behold this year's Pumpkin Patch, complete with moldy hay bales and wilting chrysanthemums!

2012 -- Home Depot

In honor or my forgetfulness, here are some throwback pictures of our Pumpkin Patch-ing from years past.

2011 -- Crumland Farms

2010 -- Summer's Farm

2005 -- Summer's Farm

Saturday, October 13, 2012

(10/13/12) Penny Lane is no More

Meet Ridley.

Despite the vet checking the cat out, nobody noticed the teeny weenie, umm... weenie... until Ridley was mid-procedure to clean out his abscess on his hip/tail.

The appointment at the vet's went very well. We go to O'possum Pike Vet Clinic near TJ High School. We were thrilled that Ridley could see Dr. Yau, who is our regular vet for our girls.

Ridley was amazingly cool with the whole process. He let the vet hold his paws and check his claws, his eyes, his ears, etc. The only thing he objected to was the thermometer up his bum, but who wouldn't object to that? Dr. Yau discovered one tick on Ridley so he gets a three month treatment of meds for that. He also got a shot of antibiotics that lasts for two weeks in his system. His teeth are in great shape with minimal tartar buildup, which surprised me because of his inconsistent diet for the last few months. Dr. Yau told us that Ridley is between five and six years old, much older than we'd initially believed. He did have an abscess that was probably sustained while fighting with another cat. We had to leave him there overnight so he could be ready bright and early for his procedure.

I got a call the next day at work and was told that Ridley was doing well, was awake and that the spot was cleaned out and didn't look too bad. He also had worms, so we dealt with that, although it was no surprise. I was then told that we would have to change his name because of cat was a boy! I wanted George to name this kitty because I had named Maggie and Rose came with her name, so it was his turn. I did reserve veto power in case he wanted to name the poor cat something ridiculous like "Mr. T." or anything that sounded like an American Gladiator castmember. George picked "Ridley" because of the endangered Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle. It is unusual, but not weird, so now the kitty has a name.

He is a completely sweet lunatic. He has slept next to George or on my chest or lap in bed nearly every night. He has not had a single litter box accident, except for one mis-aim, so we got a box with higher sides. He has not "horked" up his food, but he is a gobbler to the extreme so we feed him pieces at a time and make him eat slowly. He climbs the inside of my screen door and gets stuck at the top and screams until you come get him. He loves Sutter and the two of them spoon each other in our bed and Sutter licks him. He is completely food obsessed and wants whatever I am eating, regardless of what it is. He is adjusting well to the girlies and we are only having a hiss-and-spit-fest maybe once every other day, usually around mealtimes. Enjoy the pics of our new boy!

 Sleeping with George

 Our living room -- 3 windows, 3 cats. Coincidence? (From left, Rose, Maggie and Ridley)

 Snuggling with Sutter

 Apparently, cats like to eat cherry yogurt!

He was after the crumbs from my popcorn chips.
He is happily wearing the bag on his head so he can lick the inside clean.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

(10/09/12) Underroos

What is wrong with Victoria's Secret?!?! When I got married about three and half years ago, I went to pick up some things for our honeymoon trip.  I weighed about 180 and was the height I am now (5 foot 7) with roughly the same-sized dimensions. I found that (and was told that) they had nothing in my size, particularly that they do not carry any band sizes larger than 36 in the store and no cup sizes larger than D. I do not consider myself fat by any means; I am a solid gal with some jiggly spots and a penchant for food. I could stand to work out more often, but who of us couldn't?
I wanted to find a lacy-racy-something to torment my new husband, but everything for sale wasn't even going to cover a thigh. I was gently told that customers needing larger sizes could find them online and through the catalog. I remember feeling ugly and awful -- the week before my wedding. 

Of course, I hit up the website and found what I wanted, but how is this store staying in business? The average American woman wears a size 14, which does fit me, as I wear anything from a 10 to a 14, depending on the cut and designer. A size 6 is considered plus size. The average North American woman also weighs 177.9 pounds (thanks, Wikipedia). So if I fall right in the middle, what gives? If most of us are chunkier, why don't they carry products for our market in their stores?

You'd think I would have learned my lesson, but those "free underroos" cards keep coming in my mailbox, so in I go and trade them in. Take a look at the top picture -- the drawer for size S panties. Observe all the pretty colors and patterns. Then look at the picture underneath -- for size L panties. Note the overwhelming presence of beige.

Do big girls really only want black, beige, gray and white undies? Beige is not HOT. Nothing screams "1950 mommy drawers" louder than some wicked white panties! Yeah, there were some other colors in the drawer, but the number of color choices was significantly reduced. I asked the sales girl and she remarked that they sell a lot of underwear in the L size and that I should check back. [Going to the mall, for me, is akin to slow torture.] So why don't they have a bunch on hand for restock?

Thank you, Vicky See's for condemning my largely average butt to beige undies. But I'll keep checking back in the hopes that one day, a rhinestone-encrusted cheetah-print pair will be left just for me. Until then, I bet Wal-Mart has exactly what I'm looking for -- in bulk.

Monday, October 8, 2012

(10/08/12) Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes...

I received the following email from a work colleague:

"This cat was abandoned by our neighbor when his house was foreclosed on :(.  The cat has been hanging around our house for a few months now- she is very friendly and gets along with dogs and kids! My husband is allergic, so we can't let her inside. Now that it is getting cold, we are thinking about taking her to a no kill shelter, but I thought I would ask if anyone wants to give her a home first. I heard she is spayed and is fairly young. Please let me know if you or anyone you know is interested."

So, George and I have tossed around the idea of a dog or a third cat for quite a while now. The dog just isn't going to work. We are not home on a regular schedule and it would not be fair. We live vicariously with Sutty when we are able to borrow him, and that's all we can manage. So, the discussion turned back to the third cat. We have not been actively pursuing this because we have two oddballs already and are very nervous about upsetting the apple cart. Adding the wrong third cat could make everyone unhappy and that is the last thing that we want. So, we figured at the bare minimum, we could catch this cat, crate it in our basement, get it to the vet's for a check up and then see how it goes. If it does not work out, I know a ton of no-kill rescue groups that could help us re-home it.

So I drove all the way to Ranson, WV tonight, intending to catch the cat and drive back to Frederick for a 6:10 PM vet appointment. The cat was M.I.A. and was not interested in being found. We looked for two hours and finally gave up. Driving home, we got a call that the cat was back and had been caught. We turned around and met halfway for the hand off. Kitty rode home mostly quietly while I sang to her and if I asked her a question, she mewed a response. A was impressed that we have a very mellow traveler! She rubbed happily against my fingertips I had slid in the front grate holes.

The cat is currently settled in a metal crate (the size for a Westie) with a litter pan, some old towels, food and water. We draped the outside with old towels so the cat feels secure. The dehumidifier should run all night as constant noise. This will also be good so the other girlies can't hear if she starts to cry. The cat ate right away and settled down easily. I need to call the vet in the morning so we can get an appointment. Until then, we are washing our hands in and out of visiting the cat so we don't transfer germs in either direction.  I am crossing my fingers that it all works out because George already named her -- meet "Penny Lane".

Saturday, October 6, 2012

(10/06/12) Busy Saturday

Yard Sales, Gathering more Black Walnuts, a Visit to Grandma and Dinner

Slept in this morning a little, rather than our way-too-early yard sale wake up. Dragged ourselves out of bed, fed the dog and cats and we were off. The Meadows neighborhood in New Market and a neighborhood in the Ballenger Creek area were both having their fall community sales. We also stopped at a Boy Scout Troop sale at the pavilion in Clover Hill Park. Here's how we did:

Necklace $1, Earrings $2

Books for BES (Hardcover Dog $1, paperbacks $0.50)

If You Give a Pig a Pancake Stuffed Animal (Kohl's Cares for Kids) $0.50
Box of Cat 5e cable (so George can cut his own to length) $5.00
Western Puzzle $0.50 and Puzzle Keeper (so I can clear my table top) $2.00

 Two new stuffed animals for Sutter (no pellets inside) $0.50 each

Purple Chaps Purse, new with tags $15

We then spent about an hour gathering more black walnuts that had fallen from our two trees in the backyard. We were able to gather more than 40 gallons of walnuts while Sutty played in the yard. George had mowed this week, squishing more than a few under the tires of the tractor. We wanted to get these off the ground a well as donate them, so we went to work! We will probably have one more "big sweep" before fall ends, as there are some still hanging in the trees, but I think this was our biggest haul of the season. 

When we took them up to Gambrill to the drop off station, we were shocked to see that most of the bins were full and there were very few empties left. We were proud to fill up two bins close to full. Here are comparison pictures of what was donated two weeks ago and now today... In the pic on the right, you can see how small the stacks of full crates are over by the blue truck.

We went to visit my Grandma (dad's mom) in the newly opened Citizen's Nursing Home. She will be transferring to Montevue soon. Grandma looked well and I was very impressed with the quality of this new facility. Builders, designers and staff did a fabulous job.

Sutty went with us for the entire day. We always bring him along because then he can't nap all day and we know he will sleep a full night through without trying to get us up to play at four in the morning! He loves fall because we ride with the windows down and the butt warmers on -- as soon as we get out of the car, he jumps to one of our seats and curls up to nap.

We had a very late dinner at the Barbara Fritchie. Each of us had eggs and hash browns. George got bacon for himself and wrapped a piece in a napkin that he stuffed in his pocket. It was for Sutty, who had waited patiently in the car. George shook his head, remarking that he had become his father -- secreting food from restaurants for the dog waiting in the car. Sutty climbed up on my lap, inhaled his bacon, and rode home curled up with the windows down and the heat vents blowing on his fur.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

09/23/12 Black Walnut Gathering

Did you know that the Maryland Department of Natural Resources collects Black Walnut pods that have dropped into people's yards? These pods are collected at various sites all around the state and transported to  the state sapling nurseries where they are planted and cared for. The resulting sapling that grow are then sold to the public at cost for private planting. All of this to help re-establish the black walnut tree in Maryland, a native species!

Our next door neighbors, Andy and Robin and their kids collected the walnuts from our trees a few years ago, but we decided to gathering them this time ourselves. George bought us two buckets at Home Depot while I emailed the DNR to make sure they still wanted them and to find out the procedure for turning over what we collected.

There is a drop site up at the Maintenance Building near the Ranger's residence in Gambrill State Park, a few short miles from our house (and where we got married). So, out we went into our great backyard to see what we could find. We managed to collect about 11 gallons of walnuts! Both buckets were mounded over, and of course, tipped over in the car on the way to the park. My hands were a little stinky after the pick-up because the walnuts "skunk"  their odor on your hands.

When we got to the drop off site, we followed the signs around to the back of the building where we found transport crates to deposit them into. We dumped in our haul and filled a crate just over half-way full. Examining the other crates, we noticed that people had dropped off some walnut pods that were partially rotted or the pod was punctured or broken open. We had sorted all of these out from our load into a lawn/leaf bag and had planned to drop them out at Heritage farm to be composted. Perhaps we will have to bring them up...

 We each posed with the transport bin. I think I held Sutter too tightly, as he mushed his eyes shut while we smiled for our picture. Of course, he was much happier riding home on George's chest, smiling while the wind whipped his fur around. Sweet boy.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

(09/22/12) Saturday Morning Lard Sales

My family has had and gone to Yard Sales for as long as I can remember. When Emily and I were very small, Dad went alone and we would anxiously await his return for two main reasons: he always brought a dozen donuts from the Donut Shoppe near the hospital (long gone now) and to see if he found anything for us. Helping to unload the car and ooo and ahh over the treasures was and is an ingrained part of our family culture. Favorite items for us were sports equipment, new Big Wheels (I burned the tires out of mine faster than Lindsay Lohan goes in and out of rehab), art supplies and the big one - Barbies.
A house near our Clover Hill home was selling the long-grown daughter's collection of stuff - 70's style houses, cars, clothes, dolls and accessories. Dad actually came home, picked us up and took us over there to let us "shop". The yard sale was closing and he basically gave us free reign to pick whatever we would like. Even sweeter, he went back the day after and bought most of the remaining stuff for us as well. When my parents finished our basement, dad included a 12 foot by 12 foot room with lights and plush carpet that was dubbed "The Barbie Room". Finishing the basement ruined our large in-house roller skating track loop, but we definitely needed the converted space to play in. I'm sure my parents envisioned this as our playroom, but Emily and I had no intention for it other than Barbies (and the occasional My Little Pony play session).
Dad never really went yard-sale-ing for us personally though. Most often, it was for his antiques business, with the occasional find for him or mom for their classrooms. Dad's business plan works like a charm. Buy an item that needs cleaning, repair or is ready to sell at a low price, spiff it up and resell it for a higher price. Fairly simple, he makes sure not to max the price out, giving others the chance to roll-over the item as well, with the result  being his inventory is constantly changing. Our family even had our own store across from the C. Burr Arts library on Patrick Street when I was a teenager. He now rents booth space in a co-op situation at an antique mall in Frederick.

Over the years, Dad has come home with some amazing stuff as well as some bizarre stuff. Of course, the bizarre stuff is what made the greatest impression on me. In no particular order, here are some of the oddities that have found their way to our home: a 3 foot long alligator skull, a taxidermy bear rug, lots and lots of old records, Civil war re-enactor uniforms, mannequins, estate jewelry, tools that my sister I had never heard of, odd furniture (ceremonial gothic-style chairs from a church, Mid-Century Modern pieces, an electronic quack-medicine thing, a collection of hand-decorated eggs from around the world, a tanned skunk pelt, and even a glass eye! All of this leads me to conclude that for every thing that exists in the world, there is probably someone who collects it!

Things were always interesting at our house on Saturdays as we ran around on major sugar highs from the donuts, playing with whatever Dad had found. By all accounts, I have handled things that most other people have never touched and will never touch (i.e. a Civil War Battle Flag) and it has all colored my life in one way or another.
George and I go to Yard Sales (I capitalize because for us, they are an Event!) for entertainment. We find things for our house as well as things for my job. I cannot begin to describe how much of our home has come from Yard Sales, but I would guess at least fifty percent. The hard part is that some days I have gone for four hours and come home with nothing; defeat is disheartening. Other days, we have to call my mom to bring the truck because we found "a big one". 

We have even stopped at Yard Sales on family vacations. Usually, west coast and mid-west Yard Sales are not as great because I truly believe that on the East Coast we buy unnecessarily and are quick to get rid of things. There is a lot of product turnover to get the newest "it" thing. Out west, you buy one of something and make it last. There aren't enough stores around to do things any differently! I do remember one good one though: we were driving up the west coast when my sister and I were in our early twenties and stopped at a Yard Sale. I had to buy a second suitcase at the thrift store later that day so I could get 16 inch tall Tigger, Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore home from CA! The lady who sold them to me for $5 each used them to decorate her son's nursery. They now live at my school and I remember that trip every time I look at them. Dad is much the same way.

If you visit my parents' home and remark that you like something or think it is neat, Dad will tell you all about what it is, where he found and even how much he paid for it, even with things from decades ago. He has SUCH a memory. So, we have had a plethora of oddities in our house, more than enough to restock the Hall of Curiosities at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, at least twice over. 

None of my friends' parents are like this, just mine. (My extended family members will probably stone me to death for my involvement in this next part...) About two years ago, I was watching the Palin family reality show and the family took a trip with the Gosselin kids, who had come for a visit, to see Sarah's Dad, a retired schoolteacher, I was on the floor howling with laughter. I watched the show for the travel and adventure aspects (not political), but I nearly peed my pants. Sarah's dad is a retired science teacher. He was showing the Gosselin kids all the stuff in his garage, including some porcupine quills. He took one out and jabbed it in his hand and tugged on it to show the kids how the ends are barbed. Sarah was grossed out, embarrassed and telling her dad, "Oh, no! Stop, Dad. Stop that!" This, very possibly, could have been us. No joke.
Today was a huge day; many neighborhoods had their fall sales. We had a ton of places to choose from: Mt. Airy carnival grounds, Worman's Mill neighborhood, Gettysburg Antique Sidewalk Sales, Keys' Stadium Flea Market, and on and on. We left our house at 6:45 AM and finished well after lunchtime with a full car. Of course, we stopped at my parents to check out their haul and to show off ours. Here is some of what we came home with...

 Paddington Bear $5, Rainbow Magic Sun Fairy $4

Two sets of 4 napkin rings, $2 each (I collect napkin rings!)

Worn once Birkenstocks IN MY SIZE $10

Necklace $1, Silpada posts $10, Hammered Silver Hoops $2

Brand New Router in Packaging $10, Set of Eight Lightbulbs $4

Picture Frame $5, Trivet, signed $3 (I collect Native American pottery)

Puzzles $0.50 each (I only pick the really hard ones, minimum 1000 pieces)

Tin fish $3 (going in my bathroom on the wall)

Old postcards of places we've been (we have an album going) $3 for all 4 (Redwood Highway CA, Fire Tower Allegheny National Forest PA, Court House Warren PA, Grizzly Giant Tree on Road of a Thousand Wonders CA)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

(09/09/12) Whitewater Rafting... Sort Of

I'm writing this post days after the craziness went down because I simply felt like before now, there was no way I was capable of writing anything, much less writing about some drama. Tonight, after a nap after work, a gluten-free pizza with my family, I feel rejuvenated enough to try to tackle a post.

Last Friday was the start of the insanity. I was at work; George was home alone with the kitties. He hears the fish tank filter motor start and stop and work to start again. He assumes that the filter is getting old and is simply dying - a reasonable conclusion since we've had said filter for more years than a filter probably is meant to last. So, George unplugs it. And then he hears other motors and electrical devices begin to behave erratically. The lights dimmed and then everything plugged into our living room surge protector went out. The surge protector is smoldering and the house stinks of electrical burning. Poor George. He trooped down to the basement to examine the fuze box to see if we had blow a fuze. Nothing, not a one. So he experiments by cutting power to various switches, but our house is apparently possessed. So he cuts power to the entire house and calls my dad for help. Dad is in York, PA and not headed home anytime soon. But this is where "being a Hauver" has its benefits -- Dad has a friend who is a trained electrician! Dad has many, many useful friends all of whom have saved us at one time or another. So Dad's electrician friend, Lonnie, comes over and works with George to find the problem. Five hours later, they are kicking themselves when they realize the neutral wire outside our house has been severed, probably by a suicidal squirrel. Apparently, they like to chew the metal! George calls Potomac Edison, our power company, who promptly sends out a truck to make the repair. An hour later, all is well, George is rattled and I arrive home from work, knowing nothing about any of this. To combat the smell of the toasted surge protector, George has FeBreezed the entire house. It now smells like burned electrical flowers. It was a valiant effort. He unloads the entire day's events and we both arrive at the conclusion that had he not been home to cut the power, it is likely our house would have burned down from the smoldering circuitry. 

We woke up Saturday morning determined that it would be a better day. We were headed out to ASCI (pronounced ASK-ee) in western Maryland. About a two and a half hour drive from Frederick, this place is mecca for competitive kayakers, canoers and whitewater enthusiasts. It is a closed-loop man-made river built for safety. The rocks that create wave features are affixed to the river bottom and engineered so that you cannot become trapped on or underneath one if you are dumped from your vessel. River guards are stationed strategically along the banks, ready to throw you a rope and tow you in if you end up swimming. The loop feature ensures that a swimmer will eventually be spit out into the end pool. The water volume is adjustable using one to four of the pumps on site. For recreational rafting, two and three pumps are used. At the time of our visit, ASCI staff were running two pumps. 

We left Frederick under clear skies in the convertible with the top down, both of us wearing shorts and t-shirts. We packed no extra clothes, jackets or anything. We did have our bathing suits, our closed-toed Keens and a beach towel apiece. We passed through Hagerstown, pulling off the road to put the top up. And we drove the rest of the way there in pouring down rain, not a good omen. We arrived to find there was a large event going on at the facility: National Canoe and Kayak Championships. We found the rental equipment booth and each acquired a wetsuit. Oh man, getting that thing on was quite a trick. And of course, I'm changing clothes amidst these perfectly toned super athletes - not good for one's self esteem. So, after I poured myself into my wetsuit, I shuffled outside to realize I cannot wear my glasses while on the boat. Why did I not think about this before? I am so blind without my lenses it is unbelievable. But, unless you have a strap to hold them on (and I would not trust a strap with these babies knowing how expensive they were) you can't wear them. Our group gathers to walk down to the staging barn and George tucks our car key inside his wetsuit. We were encouraged to hand them over to be hung up, but more on that later.

We march over the bridge and get our first good look at the rapids. Gulp. It is chilly and breezy. I am cold and blind, so of course I am whiny, whimpering and crying. We get to the barn and are given life vests, helmets and oars. These life vests are excellent with four clasps holding together in case any fail while in use. We get paired with a group of four guys, making six total rafters in our boat plus our guide, BamBam. 

Lesson One: Do not get into boats with people named BamBam.

We learn that the guys are doing this as part of a bachelor party. They are hung over in a bad way. I think the dude beside me does not have any interest in rafting. I learn later that I am right. We exchange names. Larry, Moe, Curly and Lazy are all in their mid-forties and are not exactly in great shape. We carry the raft down to the staging pool and take turns climbing in. BamBam teaches us the basics: how to row forward and how to row backward. If he says "Right, forward 2!" then the people on the right take two forward strokes. If he yells, "Bump!" learn in to the center so you don't fall out. I think to myself that, "this is not too hard" and. "I think I can do this". I am so totally wrong.

Lesson Two: You have the right to refuse to raft with people you are assigned to. If you do not feel safe, don't do it. Ask to be put with a family. The guides are very careful with children. If you cannot get out of that bad group, walk away from the experience. You will thank me later.

Up we go, up the conveyer belt, on our raft, headed for fun, adventure and thrills on the high seas. Wrong! We get to the launching pool, 25 feet higher than where we will ultimately finish, we bump into a rock, the raft bounces off and somehow George and I end up in the water, swimming. We get to the shore and are standing fairly quickly. "This is ominous," says the voice in my head. We load back in and away we go. George and I quickly realize that it does not matter what directions BamBam yells at us, these guys cannot paddle worth a crap. Somehow we make it back to the staging pool, and I am thrilled that I am still in the raft, although it has not occurred to me that falling out is a common occurrence. BamBam encourages us to listen to him and to work together as a team. I think these guys are already on the Johnny Walker team and are preoccupied.

Round 2 goes fine, but we encountered every single obstacle and feature... backwards. That's right. On approach, BamBam would yell directions and Larry, Moe, Curly and Lazy would sometimes sort of follow them a little bit. For me, it was terrifying to be myopic and trying to raft, but rafting backwards was a whole new nightmare. Had I known that was a possibility, I do not think I would have gotten in the raft. 

And now we arrive at the drama. Round 3. I like to call it Round 2.25... 

Lesson Three: If you manage to complete an entire circuit of the course backwards and have not fallen out of the raft, get out now. The odds are no longer in your favor and yu should expect to swim. If you don't like that outcome, get out of the boat NOW.

It is my turn to sit in the front of the boat, right-hand side. Friends, I now refer to this position as "the ejector seat".

Lesson Four: Never sit in the ejector seat. It functions exactly as named.

Over the first drop we go and surprise, surprise, the boat ends up backwards again. Larry, Moe, Curly and Lazy aren't paddling and we are moving downstream and a pretty swift pace. And then the rear of the boat (remember, it is technically the front at the point) strikes an obstacle. Normally, the raft  bounces off, but at the point, the sheer volume of water presses against our raft and instead of bouncing, it buckles. And I find myself in the water. Moe, who was in the front on the other side, looses his balance and falls in too, on top of me. I am now on the bottom of a river with rapids, underneath of a 250+ pound man. This situation is very bad.

I am an excellent swimmer. I have been trained as a lifeguard, taught deep water safety, ocean swimming safety, river and lake safety, etc. I am as educated as one could possibly hope to be in my situation. I have had two friends lose their lives by drowning. I have almost drowned twice myself. I know how this can pan out, even if I do everything right. So, I start trying.

The best thing to do when someone is trying to use your body to get up to the surface is fight them off. I know this sounds terrible and silly, but I kicked and punched at Moe and he got away from me pretty fast. Making yourself as unappealing as possible ends up being a good thing. I surfaced alone, only to find myself under the freaking raft. I get sucked back into the currents and come up again under the boat. I clearly remember seeing the brown and white water swirling above me. I pop up again and smash into a rock. I think I banged my head, but my helmet was on! I remember looking at BamBam and him saying slowly and gently, "swim for the shore, sweetheart." Was it really in slow motion or was it me? I tried to grip the rock, just to get air, but I was swept back into the current. It was a calm surface of fast moving water, headed for the next drop. A river guard yelled to us to see if we needed help. After swallowing more than a few cups of nastiness, I choked out, "Rope! Here! Now!" He threw it. The rope landed spread across the water in front of me but the current took it away. The guard yelled at me to swim for it and from somewhere came the strength to make four of the most powerful strokes I've ever swum. I do not remember being towed in. I do not remember getting to the side. I do remember the guard yelling into my face, "Are you OK?" At which point, I started shaking and crying. I expelled some of what I had downed. I announced, "I am done." And I meant it. I discovered that the current had sucked my Keen right off my right foot and the side of my foot hurt terribly. I looked down to find a nasty abrasion on the side of my foot caused by coming into contact with the rock and concrete surface of the river rocks. I am bleeding enough that the guard sends for a cart to come and take me to the medical station. I am still crying.

I decide to doctor myself because the cut was deep and I didn't want anyone touching it or me. I get myself bandaged up (poorly) and go to wait for George, who finished the run and got dropped off at the launching pool at the top of the course. He finds I have bled through the BandAid and am still crying. He retrieves our dry clothes from the car, we get changed and return our wetsuits. Before we leave, I walk down and tearfully thank the river guide who drug me out. I know deep down that had I gone over the next drop, things would have been much, much worse. He hugs me.

Lesson Five: There are good people in the world. Some of them will even watch out for you. A few might even throw you a rope.

We leave and I am shivering. I am in shock. George gets me a coke (for sugar) and a hot cocoa (more sugar and warm). He feeds me. He stops at a souvenir store and buys me another shirt to layer up and graciously rides the entire two and half hours home with the heat on full blast, despite the fact that I know he was uncomfortable.George did not get to see everything unfold. He knew when he fell out that I had fallen out too. He kept counting people, but could not find me until I was already on the shore and the drama was over. My only other saving grace is that I had asked my parents to come along and watch us raft, but they were busy with other things. I am so grateful that they were not there to wait during those moments while I was trying to surface, but under the raft. I do not wish for them to see that.

I spent Sunday very subdued. I have napped extensively through the day. George says I have a very flat affect. I am just in shock. Yet, I had not decided that rafting is not for me. I have not concluded that this is something I don't want to do. I understood the inherent risks when we booked our seats and signed the company waivers. I understood what I was getting into when I climbed into the raft with those bozos. Did I think it would turn out as badly as it did? Of course not! It remains to be seen if I shall tackle this again in the immediate future, but at least the desire is there.

Lesson Six: Be safe in what you do, but also be adventurous. Don't let your fear of what might be prevent you from enjoying a moment. But always listen to your inner voice, especially when it says not to get into rafts with bozos.